Bank of China (Canada) ("The Bank") aims to provide quality and accessible banking services to seniors. In order to help ensure effective communications with seniors, the Bank consolidated the following information that may be relevant to seniors. This disclosure is one of the ways the Bank is meeting the voluntary Code of Conduct for the Delivery of Banking Services to Seniors that was developed by the Canadian Bankers Association.
This consolidated disclosure is also available in our branches.
Powers of Attorney (POA) and Joint Deposit Account Information
Where can I learn more about POA and Joint Deposit Account?
Fraud, financial abuse and scams prevention
Request a More Private Space
Please let the Branch staff know if you wish to discuss matters in a quieter and more private space.
Customer Service Center
Should you have any questions related to services to seniors, please contact our Branch staff for further assistance. You may also reach out to the Customer Service Center at 1-844-669-5566.
If you have any inquiries, please contact our branch staff to assist you. If you want to file a complaint, please refer to the Bank’s complaint handling procedure. The procedure is available at the branches. It is also available at the Bank’s website: Customer Compliant Handling