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Golden Key of Account



Golden key of account


Golden key of account means that customers reserve official seals or financial seals, and several specimen signaturesor seals of the authorized people in Bank of China, and agree with Bank of China that handling various business according to the authorized right of different seals (single or combined).


1. According to the agreed scope of business, Bank of China assists in the supervision of the financial payment;

2. Bank of China refines classification of seal combination, and provides differentiated services;

3. Bank of China takes advantage of technical methods to improve the service functions.

Scope of Application

When entity customers need to reserve different seal combinations to handle various payment businesses in the opening bank of China, they can use theGoldenKey of Account.

Scope of Business

The category of agreed seal combinations

The category of agreed amount of money for business

The category of agreed payment modes

The category of agreed business types

The category of specially agreed combinations

Application Qualifications

Customers should sign the service agreement with Bank of China.


1. Customers reserve seal combinations according to the agreement;

2. When the opening banks handle the bill payment business, they will check and verify the seals according to the agreement, and then arrange payment.

Kind Reminder

When handling business, please notice that the attached seals shall be identical with the reserved seal combination.

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