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Ordinary Shares


Shareholding information

IPO of The Security: On June 1 2006, BOC (3988.HK) was listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. The initial public offering (IPO) had a total size of 29,403,878,000 shares with 2.95HKD per share. On July 5 2006, BOC welcomed the floatation of its stock (601988.SS) on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the offering raised 6,493,506,000 shares with 3.08RMB per share. After the IPO, the bank’s total number of shares increased to 253,839,162,009 with aggregate amount of 253,839,162,009 RMB. 

Rights Issuance of The Security: With the approval of the CBRC and CSRC, the Bank offered A Rights Shares, on the basis of 1 A Rights Share for every 10 existing A Shares held and at the price of RMB2.36 per share, to all A-Share Holders whose names appeared on the register of members of the Bank, as maintained by China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited, Shanghai Branch, after the close of trading hours on SSE on the A Share Record Date, 2 November 2010. A total of 17,705,975,596 A Shares were subscribed and issued and RMB41,639,158,379.81 was raised in the offering. With the approval of domestic and overseas regulatory authorities, the Bank offered H Rights Shares, on the basis of 1 H Rights Share for every 10 existing H Shares held and at the price of HKD2.74 per share, to H-Share Holders whose names appeared on the register of H-Share Holders and who were not Excluded Shareholders of the Bank after the close of office hours on the H Share Record Date, 12 November 2010. A total of 7,602,025,126 shares were issued and RMB17,659,653,976.86 was raised in the offering.

Disclosure of Shareholding (Latest)

  H Share A Share
Place of IPO: HKEx SSE
Time of IPO: 1 June 2006 5 July 2006
Stock Code: 3988 601988
Type of Stock: Common Stock Common Stock
Issued Shares: 83,622,276,395 210,765,514,846
Percentage of total shares 28.41% 71.59%
Par Value Per Share: 1.00 1.00
Price of Issuance: 2.95/2.83 (Take into account of Rights issuance) 3.08/2.98 (Take into account of Rights issuance)
Currency: HKD RMB
Unit: 1000 Shares 100 Shares

Shareholder Information

Please kindly refer to the Bank’s financial reports.

Dividend Policy

The Articles of Association of the Bank states that the Bank should maintain the continuity and stability of its profit distribution policy. It also clarifies the Bank's profit distribution principles, policy and adjustment procedures, the consideration process of the profit distribution plan and other matters. The Bank shall adopt cash dividend as the priority form of profit distribution. Except under special circumstances, the Bank shall adopt cash as the form of dividend distribution where there is profit in that year and the accumulated undistributed profit is positive, and that the cash distribution of the dividend shall not be less than 10% of the profit after tax attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the Bank. The Bank shall offer online voting to shareholders when considering amendments to profit distribution policy and profit distribution plan.
The procedure to formulate the aforementioned dividend distribution policy was compliant, transparent and complete. The criterion and ratio of the dividend are explicit and clear. The independent directors fully expressed their opinions and the legitimate rights and interests of minority shareholders were fully respected and protected. The procedure was in line with the provisions of the Articles of Association and other rules and regulations.

Dividend Distribution Information

Fiscal Year Record Date Payment Date Amount
per share before tax)
Total Amount
(billion RMB)
2006 2007-7-9 (H Share)
2007-7-2 (A Share)
2007-7-20 0.04 10.154
2007 2008-6-26 2008-7-8 0.10 25.384
2008 2009-6-25 2009-7-20 0.13 32.999
2009 2010-6-3 2010-6-22 0.14 35.537
2010 2011-6-9 2011-6-30 (A Share) 0.146 40.756
2011-7-8 (H Share)
2011 2012-6-12 2012-7-6 0.155 43.268
2012 2013-6-17 2013-7-12 0.175 48.851
2013 2014-6-26 2014-6-27 (A Share) 0.196 54.755
2014-7-23 (H Share)
2014 2015-7-2 2015-7-3 (A Share) 0.19 55.934
2015-7-29 (H Share)
2015 2016-6-23 2016-6-24 (A Share) 0.175 51.518
2016-7-20 (H Share)
2016 2017-7-13 2017-7-14 (A Share) 0.168 49.457
2017-8-9(H share)
2017 2018-7-12 2018-7-13(A share) 0.176 51.812
2018-8-8(H share)
2018 2019-5-31 2019-6-3(A share) 0.184 54.167
2019-6-18(H share)
2019 2020-7-14 2020-7-15(A share) 0.191 56.228
2020-8-7(H share)
2020 2021-6-3 2021-6-4(A share) 0.197 57.994
2021-6-30(H share)
2021 2022-7-14 2022-7-15(A share) 0.221 65.060
2022-8-10(H share)

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