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Service Notices


Announcement on Temporary Suspension of Personal E-banking Services(4.14)


Dear customers,

To provide better financial products and services, we will upgrade our systems on April 14th, 2024(Beijing time). During the period of upgrade, Personal Online Banking, Mobile Banking and Telephone Banking will be suspended as the following table:

Region Service Type Period of Suspension (Beijing Time)
Asia-Pacific1 Personal Online Banking/
Mobile Banking
02:00-04:40, April 14th
Europe & Africa2
Asia-Pacific Telephone Banking Self-service: 02:15-04:55, April 14th
Europe & Africa Self-service: 08:55-11:35, April 14th
America Self-service: 14:55-17:35, April 14th

We will make efforts to shorten the suspension period. If the suspension is shorter than that mentioned above, all the transactions through Personal Online Banking, Mobile Banking or Telephone Banking submitted by customer will be valid.

We apologize for any inconvenience arising from the system upgrade. For any questions, please dial our local hotline or visit our bank outlets.

Bank of China Limited
April 10th,2024

1Asia-Pacific:Singapore Branch, Tokyo Branch, Seoul Branch, Bank of China (Thai) Public Company Limited, Bank of China (Malaysia) Berhad, Bank of China (Australia) Limited, Ho Chi Minh City Branch, Manila Branch, Jakarta Branch, Phnom Penh Branch, Bank of China (New Zealand) Limited, Vientiane Branch, Karachi Branch,Colombo Branch

2Europe-Africa:Bank of China (UK) Limited, Milan Branch, Johannesburg Branch, Bank of China (Zambia) Limited, Bank of China (Hungary) Close Ltd., Paris Branch, Frankfurt Branch, Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A., BOC (Luxembourg) Rotterdam Branch, BOC (Luxembourg) Brussels Branch, Poland Branch, Stockholm Branch, Lisbon Branch

3America:Bank of China(Canada) , Panama Branch

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